I know, I know...

It's hard to believe that so much time has passed by since my last post.

Guess what? I haven't even done any work on that new blog I wanted to start. Blah, June was so busy. Between work, and my handheld didn't work, so I was way behind on orders for my accounts....and my Father's Day credits are finally getting done since it's finally safe to trust my handheld to transmit my work...

Then, the boys had final exams, and Joey had a few NY State Regents exams to take. He passed them all! We went to John's middle school graduation which was nice, then to dinner afterwards. Now, both boys will be at the high school in September (school starts September 3rd).

Jen is going away with her best friend, and bff's family, to Lake George in two weeks. I told her, take LOT'S of pictures..many, many. They'll be gone for five days I think. Gotta call the mom, and arrange things, see what, if anything, we can contribute, since all she has to bring is spending money. I figured we'd go shopping and buy snacks, and maybe give the parents some cash towards food. Still some time to figure that all out.

I've read three books in the last few days. They are:

Chosen by a Horse. A memoir. By Susan Richards (had me in tears at the end *sniff*)
The Choice. By Nicholas Sparks (quick read, touching story)
Honor Thyself. By Danielle Steele (I'm a sucker for her books)

I want to start reading another book tonight, but, I'm too tired. So, I'm going to bed, I think. John is playing WoW - he says he's in 'The Sunwell' ooooohh sounds serious! I haven't played in weeks. Time to just close my account..and save the monthly fee.


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