Fly, fly away...

I'm heading down to Florida tonight. Alone, no kids, all by myself! How did this happen? was just the best Mother's Day gift of all!

Steve arranged the whole trip for me to go down and visit my father. He talked to my boss to make sure the dates were okay, then, he called my brother to make sure he could pick me up at the airport, finally, he booked the flights, and took a week off from work to oversee the household.

I just can't wait to see my father, and my brother and sister-in-law!! I love them so much, and it's been too long since seeing them.

On the downside, packing is for the birds....ugh, it's only a week, but, having to plan what I might want to wear? That is the worst. Plus, I'm bringing a bunch of scrapbooking stuff to work on a project while there. Dad naps, and rests - so I figured I'd bring something to do while he's sleeping.

Anyway - lot's to do today! Going with Jen to pick up her official transcript with spring semester grades. Then, we need to drop that off at Stonybrook University, where she's applied as a transfer student. Then, some grocery shopping, all before picking the boys up at 2pm from school.

All this before my flight this evening. Yay!
Take care!


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