Prima goodness!!

I love Prima products, especially the flowers. I can't ever get enough of them! I seriously drool on my keyboard when I look at all the new items they introduce. The layouts on the blog are just gorgeous!! Go take a look! You won't regret it!
I have been anxiously awaiting my first design team assignment from Scrapper's Playground.
Scrappin' again has been slow, but, I'm working on it. It's been really difficult to make time for myself lately. Not that I don't want to. I've just been trying to adjust to life without my father in it.
Last week I started taking an anti-depressant. Hoping I'd start to feel more like my old self. While I did start to feel more cheerful, the side effects drove me bonkers. Insomnia, and nausea were the worst. I can handle a lack of appetite - *wink* but, not sleeping, that I can't handle! Not sleeping was seriously affecting my mental state. So, I stopped taking the anti-depressant, and within two days, I was back to sleeping, and after 4 days off of it, I'm back to sleeping 8 hours at night. Whew!! No more of that for me. I'm going to just keep focusing on the good stuff. Reminding myself that my father would want me to be happy, and cheerful. He wouldn't want me to be so sad, and down all the time. Plus, once the boys are back to school September 8th, I'll have a regular routine, and structured day. That, in itself, will make me a much happier person.
That's all for now.
Love and hugs.