Joseph Graduates!
Joey graduated on June 26th.
Joey and Jennifer
Joey and John

He grew into such a fine young man this year. We saw so many changes in his personality. He went from a pretty quiet boy, to a self-assured young man, who smiles all the time, and rarely lets anything bother him. When he showed me his year book, and I read the messages from all of his friends, the same sentiment rang through almost every single note...."you're the sweetest guy I know" was from the girls, and "Joey, man, with your personality, you're going to go far" from the boys.
At graduation, the salutatorian mentioned Joey in his speech. He said that spending just two minutes talking to Joey could make his day. That Joey is the guy who always has a smile on his face, and never lets anything get him down. Of course, I sat there in the bleachers and started to cry....."That's MY son he's talking about" were the words that passed my lips.
It's funny to want to cry, laugh, and smile, all at the same time. The emotions are strong. I'm not sure sometimes if we're good parents, or bad parents....I'm not sure if we make all the right decisions in 'growing' up our children. But, I guess we did something right through the years, because everyone that meets my children all say the same thing "You have wonderful children, you should be very proud".
We are.