
I love to watch nature cams.  The kind that produce a live feed of the wildlife in focus of the lens.  

This past spring, I found a live feed of an eagle nest in Virgina.   Norfolk Botanical Gardens has been home to a breeding pair if eagles for several years.  This year, they produced three eggs.  Mother Eagle sat on, and incubated her eggs, and all three hatched.   The pair took care of these eaglets with such amazing tenderness.  Father Eagle hunted for fish, and sometimes carrion, he delivered it to the aerie, and mom fed the little ones.   Week by week they grew, and grew.   It was amazing to sit and watch every morning, afternoon, and evening.

Sadly, on April 26th, Mother Eagle was struck, and killed, by an airplane, while she hunted along the river between the botanical gardens, and an airport.   It was decided that it would be too much for one single parent to keep up the feeding, and care of these eaglets.  So, on April 27th, they were removed from the nest, and taken to the Wildlife Center of Virgina.   There, they received amazing care.  

We could watch, on a live cam that was installed in the eagle pen, as they were fed.  We watched them grow, and fledge.  We watched them learn to fly, and grow stronger with each passing day. 

Yesterday, July 27th, two of the three eagles were released into freedom.   One of the eagles was stressed, and overtired, and sadly was caught again.  She was brought to the wildlife center to rest up, and will be taken back to the site of release day, to be sent into the blue yonder, and soar towards freedom. 

As I watched the video recordings of the eagles soaring through the air, flapping their wings to dizzying heights, tears sprang to my eyes.  How beautiful life, and freedom is .  These eagles captured the hearts of so many.    On the day the mother was killed, I sat and sobbed for what seemed to be hours.  Out of sadness, so many strangers were joined, and yesterday, many were joined again by happiness, and joy, as we watched these eagles soar to freedom.  

You can read about it here - Wildlife Center of Virgina   and watch the live stream of the eagle pen here -Wildlife Animal Cam  .

I hope you'll take a look.  There are links there to watch video of the release, and there are pictures of the eagles.    Also, look at Norfolk Botanical Gardens Eagles and on the lower left side, you can see recorded video of the egg laying/hatching, and parental care.   It's a sight to see!


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