Neglected blog
I neglect my blog.
I don't think anyone reads it, anyway. I'm fine with that. It's not for anyone, but me, anyway.
Time flies by. Busy days, busy nights. Busy life.
Thanksgiving is 17 days away. Christmas is in 8 weeks.
Friday is Jennifer's birthday. Ah, to be 22 again. The things I'd do again (the things I wouldn't do again).
Looking forward to spending the day in the city with two, of my three, young adult children, and my sister-in-law.
That's all I have for now.
I don't think anyone reads it, anyway. I'm fine with that. It's not for anyone, but me, anyway.
Time flies by. Busy days, busy nights. Busy life.
Thanksgiving is 17 days away. Christmas is in 8 weeks.
Friday is Jennifer's birthday. Ah, to be 22 again. The things I'd do again (the things I wouldn't do again).
Looking forward to spending the day in the city with two, of my three, young adult children, and my sister-in-law.
That's all I have for now.