
It snowed last night, and was messy this morning. Schools had a two hour delay of start time. By the time the kids were gone for the day (10am) - I wasn't in the mood to go to work. Doesn't help that it's 'that time'. So, I showered, got dressed, and made myself hot tea. I then grabbed the quilt my mom made, my pillow, and the TV remote, and sacked out on the sofa.

It felt nice to just lounge around, in a quiet house. Just me, the dogs, the cat, and the birds. The birds were kind of noisy, but, otherwise, all other life was quiet, and sleeping. I watched some TV trash - Hillbilly Fights on Jerry Springer, then switched to WE (Women's Entertainment), and watched a really lovely movie. Louisa May Alcott's: The Inheritance. It was the kind of movie my mom would watched, and called me on the phone to say, turn on this channel..... I think I need to look for the book and read it. A trip to Barnes and Noble this week sounds good.

Then, the rest of the day just more relaxing, and hot tea. Picked up the kids from school, and then drove Jen to her friend's house later so that she and her friends could go looking at limo's for prom. Made dinner, pork cutlets, veggies, salad, yummy! Watched more TV, logged into WoW to check my auctions, and collect my gold.

Now, I think I'll go to bed. Kind of tired...after doing nothing today. :)


Mimi said…
Sounds fabulous!

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