Safe and sound

My dad was in Peru - he was supposed to stay until some time in October.

He's home. Thank goodness!

There were some issues.....and he was all set to come home on Tuesday, but, he couldn't get a flight out until late Wednesday night. That flight, would put him back in Florida, on Thursday morning. Wednesday night, my aunt called to let me know that she just heard there was an earthquake in Peru. Of course, at this point, there was no way to get in touch with my father. All we could do, was wait, wait to hear from him.....all while watching the death toll climb, and hearing more and more about the magnitude of the after shocks.

When I woke up on Thursday morning - it was to the ring of the phone. My aunt...she had gotten in contact with my brother, and found out that my dad was back in Florida. He was waiting for a connecting flight. Since his flight left Lima two hours late, he missed his connection in Florida - so he had to wait. But, he was on US soil - so all was good.

What a relief it was to hear his voice on Thursday afternoon. He told me about the experience of the earthquake - he said it was the longest 25 seconds of his life. I can only imagine..

So, he's safe, and he is at home.

Thank God.


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